Charity Work
The British Liver Trust
Trustee and now Chair (2022-) for the British Liver Trust, a leading national charity focusing on liver disease and liver cancer. They reach over a million people each year; raising awareness of the risk factors of liver disease and providing vital advice to help people improve their liver health.
Samuel Wilsons Loan Trust
Alastair sits on the Governing Bodies of Samuel Wilsons Loan Trust, which offers business loans to young people (aged 18-39) for establishing and developing new businesses, and who are "in need by reason of ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage."
Emanuel Hospital
Alastair acts as Deputy Chairman for The Emanuel Hospital Management Sub (Court of Aldermen) Committee. The Emanuel Hospital charity was founded in 1600 after a bequest by Lady Anne Dacre to set up an almshouse to provide homes for 20 older people and education for 20 children. The charity is now administered by the City of London Corporation.
City Music Foundation
As a trustee, Alastair supports the City Music Foundation which develops, promotes and manages exceptionally talented emerging solo performers and ensembles early in the professional careers.
Morden College
Alastair has been a Trustee since 2018. The Morden College (Charity founded c. 1703)is dedicated to supporting and providing residential care for senior citizens.